Our feet are used every day and are subject to the weight of our body when we walk, run or stand. A relatively common condition that can arise from foot strain is called Morton's neuroma. The condition and cause of the disease is that nerves are pinched inside the foot - resulting in discomfort, pain or inconvenience during movement and loading. The pain is described as burning or radiating from the bottom of the foot - usually at the junction of the third and fourth toes.
It often comes on gradually and initially the foot feels numb, or burns and radiates down to the toes. The pain is the trigger for recognising the condition. What has happened inside the foot is that the nerve has swollen and formed a knot between the legs that runs out to the toes. Problems with the lumbar spine and reduced mobility in the back and hips can also cause Morton's neuroma - joints and muscles that affect mobility, circulation and physical balance are important in determining whether or not a person is affected.
The direct causes of the condition are difficult to determine. In general, women are more often affected than men. A low arch or previous foot injury increases the risk, as does wearing narrow, high-heeled, tight-fitting shoes. Anyone can be affected by Morton's neuroma, regardless of age, gender or if you otherwise lead a healthy and physically active life.
Treatment for Morton's neuroma should only be given after a correct diagnosis has been made. A naprapath, chiropractor or physiotherapist may be needed depending on the extent, cause and onset of Morton's neuroma. Initially, the foot needs to be relieved and any pain symptoms should be minimised. For treatment or prevention, it is important to obtain all types of stabilising products such as insoles and ankle protectors to relieve pressure on the foot.