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Injury guide

  • Lumbago


    Lumbago is a condition involving pain in the lower back. Sometimes lumbago is mentioned together with sciatica and some confusion may arise. Lumbago and sciatica are two different conditions, where...

  • Herniated Cervical Disc

    Herniated Cervical Disc

    When a herniated disc in the neck is discovered, the first symptom is usually pain in the neck. Exactly how the pain feels can vary from person to person, for...

  • Back Pain

    Back Pain

    Back pain and lower back problems affect 4 out of 5 Swedes at some point in their lives and the problems vary from temporary muscular pain, to chronic problems and...

  • Poor posture

    Poor posture

    Poor posture is very common. Many people suffer from it, and improving posture requires both strong abdominal muscles and a strong back. It is also important to think about how...

  • Ischias


    Something that many people suffer from in life is sciatica. It occurs when the sciatic nerve is pinched, causing tingling, pain or numbness in the back of one or both...

  • Pregnancy Joint Pain

    Pregnancy Joint Pain

    Pregnancy Joint PainDuring pregnancy, the mobility of a woman's joints increases. Especially in the pelvis and adjacent area as the body prepares for labour. This increased mobility can cause pain...

  • Improved posture

    Improved posture

    Stand up straight, don't sit like a haystack! Maybe you have an older relative who told you when you were young or even when you were older. An annoying request,...

  • Spinal Cord Injury

    Spinal Cord Injury

    Back pain is very common and almost everyone, regardless of age, is affected at some point in their lives. A common form of back pain is what is known as...

  • Herniated disc

    Herniated disc

    There are discs between each vertebrae in the back and a herniated disc means that a disc has ruptured and is bulging into the spinal canal. The damaged disc can...